It’s the most wonderful of wonderful times of the year … time to Spring Clean!  Well, officially (depending on which official you ask) it’s not spring yet, but it can’t come quick enough for a neat-freak like me and because I sell baskets I have plenty of good storage and ways to keep things organized.

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I love putting everything in it’s place and having a good sort out … dusting down the cobwebs, opening the windows, letting the fresh air indoors and best of all cleaning out some of the clutter which seems to have accumulated during the winter.

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Anyone who knows me, either via this blog or in real life will be familiar with my on-going dilemma regarding trying to live a simple, clean and tidy life without the clutter, and still enjoying my home comforts and luxuries.  One of the main reasons I love the baskets I sell is that they are so versatile.  I have baskets for towels in the bathroom, and storage of magazines in the living room, and if I want  bit of floor space back in the garage I hang the baskets up and use them to store small garden tools etc.


I am always finding new uses for them and I’m looking forward to the good weather when  I can really get stuck into my cleaning and sorting … have a good throwing-out session and not feel guilty at all, because it is Spring Cleaning time after all!