We all seem to make the same resolutions at the start of every year … and I’m no exception.  Top of my priorities is to stay healthy, and this means eating well and taking plenty of exercise.


I go out for fresh air even on the darkest days of winter!

Even on the darkest days it’s still good to get outside for some fresh air, and I’m lucky enough to live somewhere with great walks and cycle paths.  All of the villages in the area of Hampshire where I live are picturesque and a walk restores my spirits and even in the rain (as today) it was great to see signs of the coming year with the new buds on the trees and the bulbs sprouting above the soil.


Comfort and Joy - winter days

Winter walks are a great way to get inspired by nature

I always take my notebook and pen to jot down any ideas I get, and today I have been inspired by all the garden gates that I have seen.  I think that will be a project for me this year.  I took one of my baskets with me (one of the perks of selling them)!  I picked up some more fir cones to decorate the house and a beautiful branch from a tree which had broken off in the wind.  I am going to it as supports for my hyacinth bulbs.

Wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year … and an inspirational January.



I always have fresh flowers, bulbs or berries in the house for decoration during the winter